Friday, November 22, 2013

Fantastic First Day

I feel GREAT!  Day 1 with a little over 2% of the goal met with $858 pledged.  I HAD to do the numbers.  $42,000 divided by 47 days = $893.62 per day is all that is needed to make it.  Sounds a lot more do-able at that rate.   You may wonder how I decided on a 47 day campaign.  8 days left in November plus 31 days in December is 39 days.  It will end January 8.  My baby's birthday (she will be 43) is January 9.  I figure there will another reason to celebrate that day.   ##Breast cancer takes it on the chin.  ##Nontoxic Cancer Treatment

Indiegogo Launch November 22, 2013

My world has been forever changed today.  My Indiegogo project to raise funds for a nontoxic breast cancer treatment launched a few hours ago.  It is entitled "Help Me Get Nontoxic Breast Cancer Treatment". Proceeds will go to the treatment itself and tests in advance of it, as well as helping me get the book published that is in progress.  (The first four pages are in my very first blog as a teaser.)  I am excited to get a lot of people following my progress now and as I get the treatment.  People with cancer often need reasons to be hopeful and I plan to be a go-to-source for that.  It may be raining in Sedona, but it is bright sunshine in my heart!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Officially Home-less Now and Feeling Lighter

Some people think the number 13 is unlucky.  I am not superstitious, but I will always remember 2013 as the year of big changes   We sold our house in Vegas in May for less than we paid for it in 1993 and moved into a small house that we are renting rom a friend.  On November 13, we closed on our home in Denver, got no money out of it, put our stuff in a trailer for storage, and are now officially home-less. 

Why do I feel so good, then?  I am convinced that I am not alone in feeling weighted down by too much clutter, too many things, too much maintenance, and too many things on my to-do list.  You don't have to give up your home to feel lighter.  It's a decision that can just be made.  As Abraham Lincoln said, "People are about as happy as they make up their mind to be."