Thursday, September 19, 2013

You Know Sugar is Poison When You Have Cancer, Right?

A few months ago, a shirt-tail relative told me that her 43-year-old niece was dealing with life-threatening ovarian cancer for the third time and did not know what she was going to do.  She was not certain that her body could take any more chemo.  After the initial around of it, she had lost a lot of weight and was scarily thin.  Her doctor told her she needed to put some weight back on because her system was even weaker without some meat on her bones.  He supposedly told her to eat ANYTHING she wanted to get that weight back on.  I imagine she believed her doctor was trying to help her.

So, she porked up by eating ice cream, soda, pizza, candy, and milkshakes.  I am not kidding.  In six month's time, her weight was back and so was the cancer.  She endured a second round of chemo, eating more of the same when she felt well enough to eat.  She was trying to decided whether or not to try their "last" option.

So, I told my relative that surely the doctor and her niece knew that cancer cells are particularly joyful, indeed reproduce at even faster rates, when refined sugar is present.  She said she was unaware of that and obviously her niece did not, either.  I told her that I had a personal interest in knowing that and shared that I had been coping with cancer naturally for nearly 8 years.  I told her to have her niece call me any time to talk about alternatives.  She never called.  She died after doing what she was told to do for the third time, leaving a husband and two teenage daughters to grieve for her loss.  The last couple of years of her life were unbelievably miserable and she died anyway.

Sad, but true.  I don't know what it will take to get basic information like this out to people, but I hope my book will help.  I guess things are lined up now so my Kickstarter project can launch soon.  I hope you will watch for it and support it. 

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