Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This Is a 2-Way Street

I want to be sure that anyone reading my blog or looking at my Indiegogo project realizes that this is not just about me getting some treatment.  As I said in one video, I am convinced there are a lot of people who are looking for information on things they can do when they get a cancer diagnosis that go beyond what the traditional doctors say must be done.  I have not enjoyed the doctor appointments where the "My way or the highway" approach has been given to me.  The "Me, Tarzan, you Idiot" approach doesn't work with me and I bet there are others who could use some courage and support and ideas to take care of their bodies.  My book is going to tell about my journey and I plan to inform readers of things they can do that may assist with their own healing.  I disclose that I am not a doctor or medically qualified, but I do know enough about the human body and care about my own health enough to want to do whatever I can to be well.  If you are of that mind set, I sure want you to stay tuned.   

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